Chances are, if you have ever worked on a highly trafficked website, you may have a need for real time metrics.Whether it be counting the number of times all users have clicked a button or figuring out how many distinct actions an user has performed.

The basis of my post today is not original but is based on this article from way back in time fast-easy-realtime-metrics-using-redis-bitmaps

Theoretical scenario

Lets say you run an e-commerce website and you want to

  • See how many users have clicked a certain button or performed a certain action. Example actions, could be how many times has someone performed the internal search action(clicked the search button) on the site. How many times have customers clicked add to cart button in the last hour and such.

  • Track if a customer has performed a certain set of actions, for e.g if they clicked on the search button, gone to a certain page, gone to the home page etc.
  • Track how many users have performed a particular action or a set of actions.

Redis bitmaps are super simple way to track user events.

Redis bitmaps are not a special datatype in REDIS but is a String datatype in redis which has its value set by the SETBIT SETBIT operation. This value can be retrieved by the GETBIT operation.


redis> SETBIT mykey 7 1
(integer) 0
redis> GETBIT mykey 0
(integer) 0
redis> GETBIT mykey 7
(integer) 1
redis> GETBIT mykey 100
(integer) 0

Bitmaps are a collection of bits 1 representing an action that has been taken by the customer and 0 representing no action, with the offset as the customer id

To set the bit value for a customer using the very popular java client Jedis use the code below.

 private void setBit( final String key, final long offset, final boolean value ) {
        redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Void>) connection -> {
          connection.setBit( ( ( RedisSerializer< String > )redisTemplate.getKeySerializer() ).serialize( key ), offset, value );
          return null;

To get a customer action i.e see if a customer has performed a given action, use the code below

 private boolean getBit( final String key, final long offset ) {
    return redisTemplate.execute(
        new RedisCallback< Boolean >() {
          public Boolean doInRedis( RedisConnection connection ) throws DataAccessException {
            return connection.getBit( ( (RedisSerializer< String >)redisTemplate.getKeySerializer() ).serialize( key ), offset );

To get an associated bit with every customer action

return getBit(userKey,customerId);

To set an associated bit with every customer action

 setBit( userKey, customerId, true );

To get a bitcount i.e the number of customers who have performed an action

   return redisTemplate.execute(new RedisCallback<Long>() {
         @Override public Long doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {
           return connection.bitCount(( ( RedisSerializer< String > )redisTemplate.getKeySerializer() ).serialize(userKey));

To get cardinality across different bitmaps we get the bitset for each user action(i.e to get the count of users who have performed all the actions),we get the cardibality across each action and it super simple

  BitSet  initial=getBitSet(userKey[0]);
       for (String userKeyStr:userKey)
      return initial.cardinality();

The below code shows the full Redis repository code which implements the below methods

   * Sets particular action for a give customer id.
   * @param userKey
   * @param customerId
  void setUserAction(String userKey, long customerId);

   * Figure out if a customer has actually performed an action.
   * @param userKey
   * @param customerId
   * @return
  boolean isUserAction(String userKey, Long customerId);

   * Get the number of users who have performed a particular action.
   * @param userKey
   * @return
  long getNumberOfUserClicksPerAction(String userKey);

   * Get the number of users who have performed a set of particular action.
   * @param userKey
   * @return
  long getNumberOfUserClicksPerAction(String... userKey);

   public class RedisRepositoryImpl implements RedisRepository {

     private final RedisTemplate<String,Boolean> redisTemplate;

     public RedisRepositoryImpl(RedisTemplate redisTemplate) {
       this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;

     public boolean isUserAction(String userKey,Long customerId) {
       return getBit(userKey,customerId);

     public void setUserAction(String userKey, long customerId) {
       setBit( userKey, customerId, true );

     private boolean getBit( final String key, final long offset ) {
       return redisTemplate.execute(
           new RedisCallback< Boolean >() {
             public Boolean doInRedis( RedisConnection connection ) throws DataAccessException {
               return connection.getBit( ( (RedisSerializer< String >)redisTemplate.getKeySerializer() ).serialize( key ), offset );

     @Override public long getNumberOfUserClicksPerAction(String userKey) {
       return redisTemplate.execute(new RedisCallback<Long>() {
         @Override public Long doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {
           return connection.bitCount(( ( RedisSerializer< String > )redisTemplate.getKeySerializer() ).serialize(userKey));

     @Override public long getNumberOfUserClicksPerAction(String... userKey) {
       BitSet  initial=getBitSet(userKey[0]);
       for (String userKeyStr:userKey)
      return initial.cardinality();

     private BitSet getBitSet(String userKeyStr) {
       return redisTemplate.execute(new RedisCallback<BitSet>() {
         @Override public BitSet doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {
           return BitSet.valueOf(connection.get(( (RedisSerializer< String >)redisTemplate.getKeySerializer() ).serialize(userKeyStr)));

     private void setBit( final String key, final long offset, final boolean value ) {
       redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Void>) connection -> {
         connection.setBit( ( ( RedisSerializer< String > )redisTemplate.getKeySerializer() ).serialize( key ), offset, value );
         return null;

The code for all the above can be found at: This is a simple Spring boot application starting up the webserver on port 8080.

This code run against a local docker cluster, to start up this local docker cluster download this github repo

and run

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build

 docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

This will start up a redis cluster with the following details

Using 3 masters:
redis-cluster_1  |
redis-cluster_1  |
redis-cluster_1  |
redis-cluster_1  | Adding replica to
redis-cluster_1  | Adding replica to
redis-cluster_1  | Adding replica to
redis-cluster_1  | M: eedadbfd24d9453cd96153221cd52c1be238af68
redis-cluster_1  |    slots:0-5460 (5461 slots) master
redis-cluster_1  | M: 709b198594553bda7c65ab0f0f6b18a1953bb379
redis-cluster_1  |    slots:5461-10922 (5462 slots) master
redis-cluster_1  | M: ecf12deb2fb1eddb9f858a02d1a358121ffb5b37
redis-cluster_1  |    slots:10923-16383 (5461 slots) master
redis-cluster_1  | S: b1dcf2fd327ac0f34121580f2120239a9dbc5b63
redis-cluster_1  |    replicates eedadbfd24d9453cd96153221cd52c1be238af68
redis-cluster_1  | S: addb068819513b1e9601e48559a733d26d1ece29
redis-cluster_1  |    replicates 709b198594553bda7c65ab0f0f6b18a1953bb379
redis-cluster_1  | S: 43f0d69cd483a00b2a9fe62e5f549f9beeba9665
redis-cluster_1  |    replicates ecf12deb2fb1eddb9f858a02d1a358121ffb5b37

Lets write a test, to see how all this ties in

  @Test public void setCustomerAction() {
    for (int i = 10; i < 50; i++) {
      customerService.setUserAction("user:clickProduct", i);
    for (int i = 10; i < 25; i++) {
      customerService.setUserAction("user:clickSearch", i);
    customerService.setUserAction("user:clickProduct", 20000);


  @Test public void getCustomerAction() {
    for (int i = 10; i < 50; i++) {
      boolean getUserAction = customerService.isUserAction("user:clickProduct", Long.valueOf(i));
    long numberOfUserActions = customerService.getNumberOfUserClicksAllAction("user:clickProduct", "user:clickSearch");
    boolean getUserAction = customerService.isUserAction("user:clickProduct", 51110l);

If you connect to a redis instance in the cluster using redis-cli

redis-cli -h -p 7001

and watch the instance using the MONITOR command, you will see the following output.

1496100681.933094 [0] "SETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "10" "1"
1496100681.936218 [0] "SETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "11" "1"
1496100681.937057 [0] "SETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "12" "1"
1496100681.937744 [0] "SETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "13" "1"
1496100681.938371 [0] "SETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "14" "1"
1496100682.008025 [0] "GETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "10"
1496100682.057913 [0] "GETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "11"
1496100682.060131 [0] "GETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "12"
1496100682.061615 [0] "GETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "13"
1496100682.062810 [0] "GETBIT" "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x11user:clickProduct" "14"